For Molly : Along the Path
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For Molly

by Eileen Owen CFLC on 10/15/15

For Molly


Last night I was perusing Facebook and found out about the sudden death of my friend Molly. I went through feelings of shock, disbelief, sadness and back to shock quickly. I still have sadness and disbelief swirling this morning as I wrap my mind and heart around acceptance.


For my benefit and yours, I’d like to share what I know and remember about beautiful, vibrant Molly. Molly was, (so strange and uncomfortable to write was) a caring friend, loving mother, very active physically, socially and spiritually. She was a model of health, an advocate for animals and lover of life. She was passionate and supportive of causes that promote health, personal growth, animal rights and spiritual awakening. Over the years I have looked to her as a confidant, guide and wise council. I have admired her excitement, courage and fearlessness. I have watched her in the role of mother and witnessed her daughters grow into beautiful, empowered, independent women.  She spoke her truth and shared her heart. I am grateful to have been influenced by such a bright light. I have learned many lessons from her life and possibly the biggest lesson from her death.


Something big shifted in me last night, I became aware of the importance of now, the urgency in every single day, every relationship, every encounter and conversation. I also received tremendous clarity in an area that I have struggled with for a very long time.  Now it is time! I don’t have the luxury of waiting until I feel less fear, I can’t use the excuse that I’m not ready.  Molly you have taught me that it is a disservice to myself and others, to sit and wonder how, when. Thank you Molly for the gift of truly knowing that what I have to give is necessary and whether I feel I am ready or not, I am willing to show up and serve in a bigger way. I have made a commitment to myself and now publicly that in Molly’s honor, for Molly, I will embrace her example and zest for life to show up, to serve and play bigger, to love deeper, to embrace life more fully, to notice everyday miracles and be in service to each person in front of me.


I also encourage you to live your life in the spirit of Molly. Let’s honor her legacy and serve the world in our unique ways with our unique gifts. We don’t have the luxury of putting it off until we feel ready. What you have to offer is needed now. We each have something to contribute. It is our innate unique divine purpose that encourages us to serve and empower the lives of humanity and the lives of animals. I pledge to honor Molly’s life through the spirit of my service.


My heart goes out to you receiving this message and to everyone whose life has been touched by Molly.


“What would you have me do today? Where would you have me go? What would you have me say and to whom?” ~Marianne Williamson


Namaste, Eileen Owen

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