Good Morning Charleston!
by Eileen Owen CFLC on 05/06/14
I am sitting directly outside the market as the city begins another day. Tourists and locals greet each other as they mill around with their coffee and breakfast in hand. The first horse drawn carriage tours are off; the delivery drivers are in full swing. Shops are opening and traffic increases. The market vendors are unpacking and setting up for the day. The pedicab driver readies himself with sunscreen; his gallon size water jug gets its first swig of the day. He looks over his rickshaw and awaits his first job. The city trolley with Patriots Point Yorktown advertisements on the side has passed twice. Good Morning Dad. At 9:30 it’s 79 degrees. The day may reach an all time high of 95 according to the weatherman. I am sitting here in my makeshift outside office at the corner of church and market, taking it all in.
You see I had to find a place where I had a strong cell phone signal for my 10 am client. At first I thought it very unfortunate that I could not get reception in my hotel room. Now I sit here in gratitude. I will coach right here where I get 4 sometimes 5 bars. Armed with my cellphone, laptop, college ruled notebook and headphones with a mic, I am ready! I love my job! I can travel and still meet with clients. Thank you!!